Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2012

Binge Eating - How Compulsive Overeating Affects the Body

The physical effects of binge eating can be as small as feeling uncomfortable because of the amount of food eaten. It becomes hard to function because of being so full... I also experienced headaches after binges.

If done on a consistent basis, over time this habit can create a state of obesity and long-term organ damage due to the body's inability to cope with the excess weight. It can result in developing diabetes and/or hypertension.

Some binge eaters also may experience severe digestive problems. They may have cramping, irritable bowls, diarrhea, and constipation. I know that for myself I would experience all of these symptoms, and then 'promise' myself that I would never binge again.

In some extreme cases a person can die due to the amount of food consumed within a short period of time. The stomach may burst releasing food into the body. Although this is a rare instance; the possibility of it is real if one does not listen to their body's signals of extreme over fullness.

Another common condition developed is high blood pressure. This may be due to 'yo yo' dieting; going from binge eating to excessively restrictive dieting. These can become a pattern in a person's life. Binge eaters will always 'be on a diet' - depriving themselves of certain foods, only to find themselves bingeing on them later. I believe that the cycle of binge eating is perpetuated (and sometimes caused by) dieting.

The emotional effects of binge eating may start with feeling guilt and shame after a binge. I know that I would often feel so guilty that I started to believe that something must be 'wrong with me'. It is also common for someone to feel unworthy and not worth anything because of their inability to stop. Like I had experienced, there are many people who struggle with overeating who feel a lack of self-worth because of their relationship with food.

Due to these feelings, depression is a likely occurence. I have experienced this state of depression because I had started to believe that I wasn't good enough.

Along with depression can come suicidal tendencies. There was a time in my life that I started to contemplate suicide. I had come as close as to writing my own suicide letter. Although I don't believe that binge eating was the 'cause' of this; it did play a large role of me wanting to give up on life.

Binge eaters can also experience severe mood swings and feel hopeless about their life in general. They may also begin to isolate themselves and due to 'secret' they carry about their relationship to food. It is large burden that can begin to eat away at a person's ability to even ask for help.

I know how this can feel... and I want you to know that overcoming binge eating is not only possible; but on the other side is the REAL YOU. You are more powerful than you may realize!

I've been where you are right now, and I know exactly what it takes to stop binge eating. If you are ready to overcome binge eating you may in interested in...

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