Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 10, 2012

Imagination and Creation

Kids are always in their imagination, for no other reason than it is natural for kids, it brings them joy and it feels magical.

What if I was to tell you that you were born with an imagination for a reason.Imagination is a part of the brain that is very active when we are children, then for many of us it falls dormant when we perceive we have to "grow up and get serious with our lives". But with imagination comes possibilities, with imagination comes lightness, peace and playfulness when it's allowed to simply express.

Survival fear and beliefs, along with seriousness stifles imagination, yet imagination is a gateway to not just surviving but thriving, in my opinion.
Giving yourself permission to imagine, opens you up to receiving a greater number of possibilities to invent and create with.

I'd like for you right now, to just pause, connect with loving presence and imagine. Dream of the possibilities you'd like to create for yourself.

Truly I don't want you to continue until you pause and open to the possibilities for yourself. Take a breathe.

For some of you this may be overwhelming, as it might be the first time in a very long time that you allowed yourself to dream.

Or perhaps you use to dream all the time and over time perceived that it didn't do you any good, so you stopped.Or perhaps you are hanging in there with the exercise of dreaming and having a grand old time.Either way, take a breathe.

For those of you that are struggling with re-awakening your imagination, start with something small. A small dream, a small possibility for something different. Perhaps even just the possibility of opening to your imagination is a great start.

I want you to write your dream down. And some of you might be trying to figure out in your head HOW to make this dream happen. Instead I want you to play with this dream, as if you were a child. Ask your imagination 'how' it might happen. Be in the magic of the moment, the innocence of presence. Again this is asking you to use your imagination, and instead of "figuring out how", to pretend to have wings and fly.

Go with your first impulse, you may get a vision, a body gesture, a verbal message or a sensation experience. Hang out with it, and see what happens next.Your cognitive brain is gonna want to come in and control your magical imagination, but ask it to be gentle, to be respectful and patience and let you have the space and time to complete your magical mission. Your cognitive mind is just trying to protect you, keep you safe. Re-assure it that you are ok.

You may want to take a break from your imagination and focus on something else for a few seconds. That's ok, it's like having a commercial break to get some popcorn. Kids do it all the time. And all this time it's important to feel what is happening in your bodies. Kids are very embodied, if they didn't feel the excitement, impulses and joy of imagination, they wouldn't do it. It's a whole sensory, presencing experience for kids.

Breathe your dream into your body. Own your dream, experience your dream. See, children will be with their imagination as if it is real and they don't question it. They just think it's cool as it is! They are just happy and grateful for the experience they are having. And if it is a really awesome dream, they will probably revisit it over and over again, simply for the joy of dreaming.

You know, if I think about the areas of my life where I have accomplished great things, it first came in as a dream. And was fuelled with imagination, hope and an internal passionate fire.

The Field of Possibility is Infinite. Dream a dream and you place your dream into the field of possibility. Add some fuel to your dream, such as your magical fire, humour and innocence. And you might have a recipe for creation that shows up with grace and ease.Kids don't grow in strain and stress, self judgement, self abuse and punishment. So why do we think that we as adults would grow under those conditions?

Would you lovingly give yourself permission to dream again? Building resilience with the full embodied experience that occurs through imagination and follow your impulse to create.

I am a Masters degree in counseling psychology and 25 years experience helping women break free of their issues with their bodies and food. My dream is that every woman who so desires, transform her wounds and unleash her inner passion and beauty, discovering the possiblities of fiercely alive, authentic soul-expression. For more information please visit

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