Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 10, 2012

Diverticulitis (What Is It and How Is It Treated?)

Diverticulitis happens when the pouches (diverticula) in your digestive tract become inflamed. These pouches can form anywhere in your digestive system, but are mostly found in the large intestine. When the pouches (diverticula) are present, but without inflammation or infection, then that is called Diverticulosis. So basically, you start off with Diverticulosis, and if left untreated may result in Diverticulitis.

Causes of Diverticulitis

The cause of Diverticulitis is still not completely determined. The Doctors think that not eating enough fiber plays a big part. They also say that it has to do with straining during bowel movements and even holding it in. All of the above force the colon to work even harder, which can lead to weakening of the walls. Not only do those factors play a role, but lets not forget about the inevitable aging process. Studies show that over 50% of all Americans over the age of 60 have been diagnosed with Diverticulosis.

What are the Diverticulitis symptoms?

For Diverticulosis, the symptoms are usually mild. They can be anything from:

Constipation (or sometimes diarrhea)BloatingCrampingPain in the abdomen

A lot of people with Diverticulosis also have the associated conditions:

IBSGERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)Prone to hernia's

Diverticulitis symptoms differ a little from the Diverticulosis, and goes as follows:

Pain in the abdomen (lower left side)FeverDiarrhea or constipationBloatingNausea or vomitingBlood in stoolNot wanting to eat

If left untreated can and will become worse, and surgery might be necessary. Eating food with enough fiber is essential to living healthy. Not only eating enough fiber, but also drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly.

How is Diverticulitis diagnosed and treated?

The Diagnosis is determined by a series of tests like, blood tests, x-ray or a CT scan, Colonoscopy, etc... Whatever test the doctor sees fit in order to diagnose you properly. The treatment is different with everyone. Some cases might not be as progressed as other cases, and may only require rest and a proper diet. Other cases may need more intensive treatment such as needing to take antibiotics or even surgery may be required.

How to avoid Diverticulitis if Doctors aren't even sure what causes it?

Starting a high fiber diet would be wise, if you are trying to avoid ever getting it, and like I said earlier, drinking plenty of water will also help. Make sure you eat plenty of vegetables and fruit. Exercise is also very important. Common sense stuff like don't consume too much alcohol, or at least not on a regular basis. Making sure you eat throughout the day also plays a big role because if you don't eat enough, then you are not getting enough fiber or any nutrients for that matter.

If you want to start eating healthy, but don't know the right foods to eat, then visit my website at

View the original article here

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