Bad breath is a normal problem experienced by many individuals and it is commonly caused by bacteria that accumulate inside the mouth. However, it is also associated with other conditions such as stomach problems. And even though bad breath from the stomach isn't a normal occurrence, it can still bring about some concerns. Bad breath and problems with stomach are linked together.
How does bad breath relate to the stomach? The foods we eat enter the stomach where they're partially digested and their nutrients are sent to the appropriate location in the body. Aiding in the digestion of food are bacteria. Unfortunately, not all the bacteria in the stomach help in digestion and these bad bacteria could cause the issue of bad breath from the stomach.
Here are some ways that may cause bad breath from the stomach to occur:
Missing Meals
Missing meals could possibly result in acid reflux. When this occurs, the person could experience bad breath. Therefore, it might be in your best interest not to miss any meals.
Bacterial Issues
Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria found in people who suffer from stomach ulcers. Bad breath from the stomach has been linked to Helicobacter Pylori. There needs to be more good bacteria than bad ones if the stomach is going back in balance. And the result could be not-so-good-breath. Try eating some yogurt or some other probiotic to correct the problem regarding bad bacteria. They have good bacteria in them and will help to eliminate the bad bacteria in your stomach.
Difficulties Digesting Food
Certain foods can be difficult to digest and these foods can cause stomach issues which may bring about mouth odor. The liver may get some of the undigested portions of food and give you back terrible breath.
Acid Reflux and Heartburn
Heartburn takes place because of the acid in the stomach. The acid could also cause unpleasant mouth odor if it rises to the throat. GERD (Gastointestinal Reflux Disease) can bring about the exact problem as drinks that have caffeine in them like soda and coffee can cause stomach acid to rise up the esophagus.
Vomiting/Throwing Up/Expulsion Of Stomach Materials/Emesis
Vomiting is the expulsion of material (food, stomach acid, etc.) The causes for it varies. But the end result is terrible mouth odor.
You might be wondering what are my options regarding bad breath from the stomach? Check out some of these effective remedies to stop the problem:
Cayenne Pepper-if you have stomach issues, it's been said that cayenne pepper can relieve your heartburn and acid reflux, thereby relieving your breath issues in the process. Although, this remedy may not work for all individuals, this is still considered the fastest way to stop and prevent breath problems due to stomach upset.
Missing Meals-acid reflux and eventually halitosis can occur when you miss a meal. If you're trying to lose weight, find a diet program that lets you eat without having to avoid meals. This is not healthy and could lead to stomach ailments and maybe even odor from the mouth.
Avocados-Avocados are low in cholesterol and a high calorie count. Providing the skin with essential vitamins and nutrients and treat some diseases like psoriasis and stroke is some of the many things this fruit is used for. If you want to improve your digestion adding avocados to you diet will help. Better digestion helps keep your intestines clean. And a better digestive system reduces the chance of having breath problems.
Apple Cider Vinegar-mouth odor issues can be rectified if you use Apple cider vinegar to treat any problems you have with your stomach. It can also be used by chronic bad breath sufferers because the vinegar can perform the same function as acid in the stomach. The vinegar will aid in digestion if the stomach is not making enough acid. About a tablespoon should help.
These are some of the most popular and effective home remedies for bad breath from the stomach. The key is to reduce the chances of having any stomach issues. Everything you need to end you bad breath and stomach problems are readily available at your local store.
Archille W Hebert IV has writtem multiple articles on the subject of bad breath. To learn more ways to overcome it visit The Bad Breath Report Review
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